Today 23 Nov 2024
ব্লগিং করুন আর জিতে নিন ঢাকা-কক্সবাজার রুটের রিটার্ন বিমান টিকেট! প্রত্যেক প্রদায়কই এটি জিতে নিতে পারেন। আরও আছে সম্মানী ও ক্রেস্ট!

What is the Difference Among a Data Link and a Data Lake?

লিখেছেন: বাহাউদ্দিন আহমেদ | তারিখ: ০২/০৭/২০২৩

এই লেখাটি ইতিমধ্যে 63বার পড়া হয়েছে।

A data hub is mostly a system that allows you to share and exchange curated and monitored data between systems, providers or social gatherings, and can support analytics, AI or info science providers. It also helps business procedure supervision, enabling you to hook up and synchronize data lies from disparate sources instantly.

Data hubs happen to be progressively increasing more focus from businesses that have seen some great benefits of building their own. However , regularly they are still seen as a technology that is interchangeable with a Info Lake or possibly a Data Factory.

The main similarity between an information hub and a data pond is that both offer a single repository to maintain all your organised and unstructured enterprise data. However , data hubs allow you to carry out more along with the data you happen to be storing – they can help to make it readily available to end users. Data hubs also give you a more described zone of comfort when it comes to info security, letting you control who have access to what information inside of your organization.

As opposed to data lakes, which are oftentimes used being a data safe-keeping receptacle to get raw, raw data, an information Hub has the capacity to take in the stream of enterprise data via diverse resources and formats to draw out valuable understanding from it. This is done through an event-based architecture and a repository layer. In addition, it supports intensifying harmonization, a data integration approach that helps reduce the scale data options and their metadata, while increasing the availability and gratification of data to finish users.

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নিবন্ধন করেছেন: ২০১৩-০৭-১৩ ১১:৪৩:২২ মিনিটে

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